Poolside Vibes

Vacation Vibe Hacks: Slaying Travel Without Splurging!

house Ché & Cherice Sep 18, 2023

Hey there, beautiful souls! Lets dive into the world of travel and make those vacation dreams a reality without blowing up your bank account? We gotchu friend! Get ready to sip on some money-saving wisdom and soak up the joy of a fabulous getaway.

Now, let's start with where you'll rest your gorgeous head. Say hello to Airbnb, the wallet-friendly alternative to those pricey hotels and resorts. Not only are these rentals easier on your budget, but they also give you a real taste of local life. Living like a local? Yes, please! Here are a few gems to make your Airbnb journey a breeze:

  1. Location, location, location: Nab a spot close to public transport. Saves you cash on moving around and lets you navigate the city like a pro.
  2. Kitchen Magic: A kitchen in your Airbnb? Talk about a money-saving treasure! Cook majority of your meals and watch those expenses shrink.
  3. Review Radar: Good reviews are your BFFs. They give you a sneak peek of what's in store and help you pick the perfect pad. Dive into those reviews, sis!
  4. Connect with your host: Your host is a goldmine of local knowledge. They'll guide you to the best spots and help you plan a vacay that's uniquely you.

And speaking of safety, remember to pack those smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms if you are traveling outside of the US and they are not provided. Your well-being is non-negotiable!

Ready for some grocery store glam? Get ready to save those coins and embrace the local flavors. Here's the scoop on navigating the local grocery scene:

  1. Local Love: Go for local products. They're kinder to your wallet and let you dive deep into the culture through your taste buds.
  2. Look for Sales & Discounts: Bargain hunting, anyone? Many stores have discounts waiting to be discovered. Get your savvy shopper game on.
  3. Compare Prices: Don't shy away from hopping between stores and markets to compare prices. Your wallet will thank you later.
  4. List Power: Before you hit the store, jot down what you need. The items you need maybe different in other countries, but your list will give you a general guide on what you need to purchase.

Now, let's sprinkle some free fun into the mix. Local towns and cities often lay out freebies like concerts, movies, and events. It's the perfect way to soak up the culture and create memories that don't come with a price tag.

Wanna zoom around without emptying your pockets? Say hi to the ADO bus if you are traveling to Mexico. Forget those pricey shuttles and taxis; this bus is your budget-friendly ticket to exploring Mexico and beyond. Plus, you'll get an authentic taste of the country as you travel. Many countries have really cheap transportation options so search for them before traveling.

In a nutshell, lovelies, travel doesn't have to cost a fortune. With a dash of planning and these insider gems, you can have that epic vacation without breaking the bank. Airbnb coziness, grocery store savvy, free events, cheap travel adventures, and beach days that don't cost a ton—get ready for a vacay that's all about YOU. So toss in those outfits and book that flight sis!

Vacation Vibe Hacks